Monday, November 09, 2020

The GOD FACTOR after an Election.

  1. Divine Providence. 

      Catholics judge everything based on the doctrine of Divine Providence. This is the law by which God govern all the things He has created, like elections. Divine providence explains why God does things this or that way. 

     The first general rule of Providence is that all men must obey the commandments of God. If he does this all his activities will lead him to happiness here on earth and everlasting happiness in heaven with God for all eternity. 

      The negative rule that is contrary to the above rule is; if man disobeys God's commandments, he will be punished both here and in the next life. 

     The natural commands of God are written in the hearts of all men. It is called natural law. The spiritual or supernatural commands of Christ is based on the natural commands but being on a higher level is not available to others. 

     So in analysing the post election events, the natural analysis will be very complicated because of the countless human variables involved. The analysis from the supernatural view will be easier to understand.  It is similar to a bird's  eye view, with a supernatural view which only those in that high level can appreciate. 

     Let us return to the basic principle of Divine Providence; man will be doing what is true and good if they obey the commands of God; the commands of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These commands must be interpreted by the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church. Let's start and look at a just finished election.

2. The two contending sides. 

     Evidently one side is on the side of 'good' because it is pro-life; and that is in accordance to the Will of God. Majority of their platforms are good. They may have a little immoral and bad platform. But, in general, majority of their platform is naturally and morally good.

      Evidently, the other side is 'evil' because it is pro-abortion, a very serious disobedience to the commands of God. They may have some good but since majority is evil, the little good they have, is tainted with evil. 

      Basing it on the  General norm of Divine Providence, the good should win the election. And the bad should lose the election. But there is another principle of Divine Providence. God gives people the leader they deserve; God gives good leaders to good people. And He gives bad leaders to bad people. Example is how God treated the Israelites, His chosen people. When they were good, God gave them  good leaders in Moses and Aaron. When they were bad, God have them King Saul who mistreated them. 

      How come the evidently moral good lost in a recent election; while the evidently immoral won the election? From the above principle, because majority of the people who voted for  the pro-abortion candidate are immoral themselves. It is natural that there is a confederacy of evil; the evil will side with the evil, while the good with the good. So does it mean that there are fewer 'good' among the voters, and there are more evil? 

      Not necessarily. It can happen that there are fewer evil but that they cheated which they would naturally do because evil people tend to fall into deeper evils. People who abort will naturally cheat, deny they cheated and refuse to be investigated. They cannot avoid going deeper into more serious evils because that is God's punishment to them for being evil. After killing babies, they will naturally cheat in elections, refuse to have their evil frauds investigated and demand the sitting president leave the white house when the law allows him to stay up to a certain time. In fact, they have descended to further evils by hanging and decapitating him in effigy. This is evidently a continuous descend to greater evils as Divine punishment, precisely, for those who sin and do not repent. 

3. Next level of Providence. 

    If pro-abortionist truly cheated, which is naturally expected from them, Divine Providence demands that they repent and undo the cheating. Repentance should  re-align them to the right flow of Divine Providence that leads to salvation. If they keep on denying the cheating, they would be propagating a lie, another evil, and, therefore, will descend to greater evil. 

     On the other hand, if the good detects cheating, which is an act against the moral virtue of Justice, they are bound to seek justice to undo the evil of cheating. This will make the good rise up to a higher degree of morality that is more pleasing to God. 

     At this point we are seeing two sides that are separating further from one another. It is impossible to unite the two; the separation is between what is natural evil and what is supernatural good. There is no way to unite the two. 

4. Another level of Divine Providence.

    Returning to the question; why did the 'good' lose the election; while the evil win? God is setting the evil aside for severe chastisemen. The virus was chastisement to the evil for being unrepentant sinners. They are insisting on committing more evil, from abortion, to cheating, to refusing to practice Justice and, now, by threatening to drive out a president before justice is served. 

5. Conclusion

     Where are we standing right now? Evil continue to deteriorate to greater evil. sGood continue to progress to greater goodness. Because of the distance between the two, it has become impossible to transfer from one side to the other.

    What is expected from Divine Providence? God will reward the good and punish the evil. The ancient people were punish with a deluge, with fire and brimstone. God could have postponed it for  a latter date,  but He did not. Chastisements come on schedule.  

     The Just God will always reward the good and punish the bad. Nobody can escape that. Nineveh was threatened for their sins; they repented and were spared. Sodom and Gomorrah did not repent. God rained on them fire and brimstones.  If the evil had been threatened with Corona virus and does not repent but instead continue their evils in imposing their evil agenda on a nation upon winning an election, that nation is deserving of a great chastisement. By letting  evil win an election, God wishes to show that they are the reason for the chastisement.

     The evil will always deteriorate to greater evil. Their Divine punishment is that they can never do what is good or true. Everything they say will be lies because they have become the children of the father of lies. They claim they can unite. Not even the Vatican can do that because unity is a work of a Good God and done among good people. Divine Providence will expose all their lies. 

     Everything is under God's control; He continues to use all these to test where each man stands; is he for God or against God. Evil falls under the Permissive will of God. God does not directly will it. He allows it. Goodness is God's direct will. 

     God allows evil to get a greater good from it. Peter was allowed to deny, Paul to persecute the Christians, Judas permitted to betray Christ unto death. But note the great good that came out of it. From Christ's crucifixion, the Redemption of the Human race. From betrayal and persecution two great preachers of the Faith. Right now, it is not clear what greater good will come out in the seeming defeat of the good pro-life candidate, and the winning of an evil pro-abortion evil candidate. But surely a greater good will come out of it. 

6.  What direction will Divine Providence follow? 

     First, Divine Providence may wait for the proper judicial process to take its course, which the evil refuses to recognise. Then God may, still, give victory to the good to show the above theological truth that God decides on everything, not men. The good will love this because it will give the good further opportunities to be better in peace while giving the evil occasion for repentance. 

     Second, Divine Providence may decide to reward the good with peace of mind by teaching them the truth that all that happens is part of Divine Providence that is always advantageous to the good.  Or God may make the evil win, then severely punish the evil as in the days of old, with a deluge or rain of fire and brimstone. 

7. The great Divide.

     The great divide is very clear and every individual can be placed in either side, good or evil. Those who are obedient to God against those who are disobedient to God. 

     The good are those who obey the commands of God, i.e. the Divine, Moral and natural laws. They have no problem here. 

      On the side of the morally evil are those who disobeys the commands of God, the Divine, Moral and natural law. All the problem is here because they will surely go to hell and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Most of them are institutional Catholics. These are not the true Catholics. They are mostly cardinals, bishops, many among the priests and nuns. They are evil because they go against the commands of God. As such they don't love God who said, 'if you love Me keep My commandments.' By not loving God, they hate God and they hate everybody else. They cannot love anybody, anyone, or anything. Imagine being ruled by people who disobey God's commands. It is like being ruled by people who greatly hate you. 

       The evil ones are the lovers of money, the root of all evil,  which is most of mankind; the UN, Hollywood, Mass Media, international organisations, pagans,....etc, personalised by Baphomet, the devil who wants to reset all things to organise his own kingdom.   They can easily be bought by money. They will do anything for a price. The Vatican excels in disobeying the commands of its own God. The evil that is happening in the US and in the entire world, is just a reflection of what is already happening in the Vatican. 

      Today, every individual is being tested by God. Each one must confess publicly his stand, St. Paul wrote. Either for good or for evil. Everybody. It will be a great help if we study what is right and wrong. The Liturgy of the Mass is the best teacher. 



Saturday, November 07, 2020

YOU CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS First Saturday of the 31st weekday.

 1. The Gospel.

     The Liturgy of the Mass is far advanced in its topics of discussion. It is, already, describing the Kingdom of God, the Church nearing its perfection and ready for its heavenly wedding with the Divine Bridegroom. We are no longer talking of beginners, like pagans, Protestants, etc.  We are talking about souls inside the institutional Church. And the Liturgy is showing the difference between the institutional church from the true kingdom of God, the true Church. 

     In previous Masses, the Liturgy described the true Church as those 'obeying the commandments of Christ' and those who 'love God with all their hearts, all their soul, all their strength and all their mind.' The institutional church does not do either; they do not obey the commands of Christ and they do not love God with any of the spiritual and affective faculties of their souls. 

     The true members of the Church know that they are inside the Church. The members of the institutional church think they are inside but cannot prove that they are in,  because they are not really in. 

      Previous Gospels had already proven this in the parable of the wedding feast. Both institutional and true church members were inside the wedding banquet. The true members were with wedding garment. The institutional members were in the banquet but they did not have a wedding garment. This is a figure of the Church as it approaches graduation day. 

2. Todays Gospel describes the kingdom of God, again.  The way it should look when it is near graduation day. Christ said; 'you cannot serve two master.' There is only one true master, God. And you should serve Him alone. How do you serve God? We saw it in the previous Gospel; 'by obeying His commandments' or by 'loving Him with all you heart, mind, soul and strength.' 

     Who is the other master? One's own will by satisfying oneself with the world of which Satan is the prince. Or sin. Christ said; 'you cannot serve two master. You will love one and hate the other. When a soul obeys the commandments of Christ, he will hate sin, the pleasures of the flesh and worldly things. As St. Augustine wrote, you should only use the world but never love it. The moment you love something in the world, you cannot love God. The world and God are in two different levels. You cannot love both. And when you do not love God, you hate God and everything else. 

      That is why Christ said 'you must hate father, mother, brother, sister, etc. You cannot love humans because they will prevent you from loving God. You must love God first, then humans, your enemies and the entire creation. But God first. 

       If you love to sin, worldly pleasures, worldly things,  you cannot love God. You hate him and as further consequences, you hate everybody and God's nature. 

3. Automatic progressions and regressions.

    Every soul who advances in obedience to the commandments of God will automatic advance in the love of God towards perfection, the wedding gown. 

     Every soul who  commits sin and does not repent is punished by God by falling deeper into more serious sins. He cannot stop the regression without the help of God's grace; which he can only get if he has repented perfectly. Imagine how fast Judas regressed from being an apostle to being a traitor. 

     Today, we see in the news the spiralling of events towards the deepest evils committed by sinners in the process of regressions towards a point where repentance is impossible. They were known to be guilty of the serious sin of abortion.  From there the way down is fast, smooth and wide.  

     We see, also, souls who are progressing in serving God, their master. These souls are fighting for the common good; for Justice,  in a tough situation because many in the benches are grievous violators of Divine and Natural law. In such situation, souls may not win their battles for Justice due to the corrupt justice environment, but they are still obliged to stand for justice, to pass God's test and progress in the service of God.  

4. Who are those who are serving God.

     Those who know His commandments from the Gospels,  and those who obey His commandments as interpreted by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. 

      Who are those serving the 'other master?' The pagans who are serving the wrong gods.   The US bishops  because they are disobeying many of the commands of God like being in favour of pro-abortion candidates.  The Filipino bishops  because they just disobeyed another command of Christ by approving same- sex civil union which is against Chastity, after getting signals from the Vatican. 

      While most are serving the wrong 'master'  most Catholics are trying to serve two master. They go to Mass,  then sin, and enjoy the world.  Christ said. No. You cannot. You will love one and hate the other. You cannot love both. But everybody is doing it. In truth, the world is divided into two. The servants of God, which are so few, can't hardly find them. And the servants of sin and Satan that fill up the world. We better make sure where we belong. 



Thursday, November 05, 2020

The GOD FACTOR in an Election.

  1. The Doctrine of Divine Providence.

      The Doctrine of Divine Providence is the most difficult theological topic to understand. Very few priests or bishops understand it, thus everybody is going against this most important doctrine of the Catholic Church. Going against this doctrine is called original sin, the desire to be like gods. To run things as if man is god. This is the highest degree of pride, which was the sin of the devil. 

      The devil had always wanted to be like God. And God will give him one last time as a last test for mankind on whether man will be part of the devil's kingdom by doing his own will; or be part of God's kingdom by doing the Will of God. 

      That has always been God's test for mankind; whether man will do his own selfish will that will lead him to eternal punishment or will man do God's Will that leads him to salvation. God had always tested mankind from the beginning, not so much as He does not know the state of the soul of man; but for man to know the state of his own soul thus understanding why he deserves to go to heaven and why he is going to hell. 

      During the whole process of testing each man, God is in complete control of everything He had created. There is absolutely nothing that is not in God's control. God controls the results of elections. 

     God's Divine Providence works this way. If the populace is aiming at goodness, God will give that nation a good leader to aid them to greater goodness. While if the populace is aiming at evil, God will give that nation an evil leader to punish them to go deeper into further evil. It is against Divine Providence for God to give a good populace an evil leader; and He will never give an evil populace a good leader. 

2. The fear of the 'good bishop.'

     The 'good bishop' was concerned of one thing. It was what concerned St. Bonaventure during his time; 'the last Divine test'. Bonaventure called it the 6th day, i.e. Good Friday. Good Friday was God's test for the unbelieving Jews. It was  foretelling the last test for the world. Christ said so. The last test will be like what is happening on Good Friday. Because of the great evil in the world led by Catholic bishops, a last test will be given by God and that's it. 

      The whole Christian world feared this last test, after which there will be  no other tests. General Judgment will follow together with the destruction of Jerusalem. God will release all the devils during that day, so much so that the devil would rule the earth on that day. No. The devil did not rule that day. God will still rule and will use that day for bringing the Bride to Heaven. It will be a glorious day for the Church but a day of wrath for evil men. 

     The 'good bishop' wanted this day postponed for a latter day to give souls more time to prepare themselves for judgment day. He can pray for the delay but God will have the last word. 

3. Forebodings.

    The 'Chosen People', the Jews was not believing in Christ, their Messiah. They were disobeying His teachings. This disobedience was being led by most of the Pharisees, the spiritual leaders at that time. Due to the Pharisees neglect of the people, the Jews were, also, not believing in Christ that the entire 'Chosen People' would cry out for the Crucifixion of their Messiah. The entire scenario of Holy Week will be repeated on the 6th Day described by Bonaventure that the whole Christian world is awaiting. Benedict XVI feels it has began.

     The whole monastic movement was in preparation for this fateful day. Thus Benedict informed the world to follow St. Benedict.

      St. Bonaventure thought it was occurring during his time. But he, himself, saw that it was not. The first sign that it is occurring today was the assassination of President Kennedy, followed by the Twin Tower incident. No Catholic bishops took note,  showing their ignorance of eschatology, an important aspect of the Liturgy. The common laymen were supposed to be informed by the bishops and priests of the forebodings of the approach of the 6th Day. 

      The clearer sign was during the election of Obama. Catholics were voting like heretics and schismatics. They were voting for furtherance of great evils to enjoy some worldly advantage. They were selling their souls to the devil for some worldly advantage promised by politicians. And Obama won twice because of the Catholics selling out their religion.  For worldly advantage the US Catholics elected the most anti-Catholic president ever. With Catholics like these you don't need enemies. And they were led by their US Bishops. 

      The bad state of the Catholics was due to the bad US bishops leading them. The scandals would eventually erupt showing what kind of men they were; sodomites and pedophiles. 

     Pope Benedict, as a young priest worked on the treatise of St. Bonaventure to study the signs of the impending 6th Day that Christ described as prelude to the destruction of Jerusalem. By the time he was Pope, he saw it had begun during his papacy. 

      Benedict XVI resigned because it was part of 6th Day prophesy. He had to give way for the  treason of the Judas bishop. Vatican II showed Benedict that the rebellion of the new 'Chosen People' was on. Satan had been allowed by God to fulfil his dream, his own kingdom. It was man's last test; to join the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan. Good bishops had been waiting for this. 

4. The institutional church had abandoned the Faith, Pope Benedict XVI had noticed it in the 1980s. The Vatican, the US, the South American, the European, the Asian Church, etc, were no longer Catholics. Benedict, himself, noted that the Church had become very small. He knew he was its Pope but he did not know where it was physically. 

5. In short......

     The spiritual sign of the 6th day, the apostasy of the Jews is present today; the lost of Faith of the institutional Vatican church. The political sign is present in all world governments. Then the prophetic Scriptures described a brief 'respite' to allow the good to prepare for the general judgment. The 'good bishop' believed that President's Trump term is the beginning of the respite before the destruction of Jerusalem. And his re-election would give the good more time to prepare before the destruction of Jerusalem. So he begged Trump to do something to prolong the respite by running for election. It was good for Trump to do so but it does not depend on him to be able to prolong the respite. I God thinks it is time for the destruction of Jerusalem, then it is time. 

     The 'good bishop' is certain that after the Divinely imposed respite, Jerusalem will be destroyed. He was not sure whether after the first term of Trump or the second term of Trump. He was hoping it would be after the second term of Trump to give the good more time to prepare for that 'dreadful day.' The true Church knows this and is looking with dreadful expectation for the result of the election. If the day of respite is over, the institutional Church that is filled with Sodomites and Pedophiles, and the entire political world will be chastised by God. And God will make sure everybody gets the message; that He is the one who is destroying the world for their sinfulness. The US bishops for being accomplishes to abortion, the Filipino bishops for agreeing to Sodomy and pederastry, and the rest of the world for their unpublished sins.