Thursday, October 15, 2020

YOU PHARISEES, you pass over judgment and Love of God. WEDNESDAY of the 28th Weeday in Ordinary Time.

  1. The Gospel.

      Whenever Christ scolds the Pharisees, we better not do what they did. In the Gospel, the Pharisees were concerned with physical and temporal matters, like tithes which are the contributions to the temple, like the washing of the hands, washing of pots and pans, etc. Christ says, it is all right to do some of those things like washing of the hands, etc. But they should be concerned with the more important things, especially two things, first, judgment. And secondly the Love of God. 

       If they do not concern themselves with the more important things and concentrate on the temporal things, Woe to them. They are like graves, nice on the outside but corrupt in the inside. Worse are those who lay heavy burdens without helping carry them. 

2. That is what is happening today.

     Everybody is concerned with, merely, temporal things; with face mask, face shields, social distancing, jobs, going to beaches, pulling down statues and vaccines. No one is concerned with judgments and the Love of God. The situation is worse in the institutional Catholic Church (which is not the true Church.) They are concerned with mother nature, which is no mother at all. With pagan religions which  is not even one's neighbour in the strict theological sense. Their Concern is with luxury apartments in London and Pachama, an idol, and the 20 billion Chinese donation to the Vatican to suppress the underground Catholic Church in China.  They have absolutely no concern with spiritual matters, like judgment and Loving God, as Christ complained referring to the Pharisees. It seems the institutional Church is filled with Pharisees doing exactly what Christ condemned in the Pharisees of His time.

3. Background. 

     Since Ash Wednesday this year, The Liturgy had been warning the whole world of the coming pandemic. People will die, as in other years. And man must prepare for the judgment that follows death. So Ash Wednesday taught what must be done to prepare. As in Nineveh, we must repent. 

     Repentance consist of three activities; Prayer, Fasting and Good works. The Liturgy taught how to pray in the Gospels on the Our Father last week. Fasting was taught during Holy Week. And Good works had been taught a few days ago and today. Good works consist in doing the Corporal Works of mercy and the Spiritual Works of mercy. 

     The corporal works of mercy are acts directed towards the physical bodies on one's neighbour. The spiritual works of mercy are acts directed towards the spiritual needs of one's neighbour. The rule is do these works, first, to yourself. Before you do it to others. Almsgiving must start directed to one's body and soul; before it is done to the bodies and souls of others. These are acts of Charity that prepares a soul to have a holy death and receive a favourable judgment before God. No one can know and perform the acts of mercy unless they have perfect Faith. In fact, the ability to do the acts of mercy, especially the spiritual acts are gifts from God and is not humanly possible. 

      This complete the preparation for death and for the following judgment before God that will make a soul deserving of eternal happiness according to the Liturgy. 

4. The two more important acts.

     The first is judgment. The second is acts of charity or acts of love of God. Judgment is when a soul judges himself as unworthy of everlasting life because he does not obey the command of Christ 'to deny oneself.' He is always doing his own will. He does not do things that is displeasing to himself. It is essentially the 'original sin' of Adam and Eve. Judgment means a soul must judge himself as guilty of this sin. If he does so, God promises He will not judge and condemn such a soul. 

     The second is 'to love God,' by obeying His commands. 'If you love Me, keep My commandments. And the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are the acts of Charity towards neighbour. If you love your neighbour whom you see, it will be easier to love God whom you do not see. Obedience to the acts of mercy, which are acts of Charity, is to love God. 

      What are the corporal acts of mercy? The first is to feed the hungry. The last is to bury the dead, not to cremate them. The spiritual acts of mercy; the first is to instruct the ignorant on how to save their souls. The last is to pray for the living and the dead. Both acts of mercy are the signs that a soul loves his neighbour. This is Charity, which is necessary to prepare a soul for judgment when he dies. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020


  1. Adam and Eve and the moral choice.

     Adam and Eve were tested by God to make a choice between two trees. They chose the wrong tree. Both Adam, Eve and all their children up to the end of time were punished with eternal condemnation unless they repented as taught by Christ who became man for that purpose. 

     That test was not just a matter of choosing a fruit. It was making a moral choice between good and evil, between obedience to God and disobedience to God. The consequence is eternal reward or eternal condemnation.

      Most election issues are merely political, like how many hectares of land to give tenants, five or seven. But today, moral issues are involved. Like in Ireland. And they are failing their test by making the wrong moral choices. These Irishmen cannot join their holy comrade in heaven. They are going somewhere else. 

      During Kennedy's presidency, a Catholic president,  his platform was purely political. He said that his Faith will not influence his decisions. That was bad; it meant that he was willing to make immoral choices as a Catholic President of the US. Fortunately, he decided to make choices according to Catholic morality in a speech described as 'the speech that made the deep state assassinate him.' A short time later he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He passed away having chosen a moral decisions. Good for him. 

      The same stand was made by Justice Barrett, Trump's appointee to the Supreme Court. When asked by Feinstein, Barrett confessed she was Catholic but added that her religion will not influence her court decisions. That was, also, bad. Her appointment is her test. She will only pass her own test if she intends to be morally sound in her court decisions. Will her appointment make her a better Catholic or a worse Catholic.  Like all of us she is being tested, today, as it was in the beginning of history.

2. Suddenly the US election is not mere political choice between two parties. It has become a moral choice between Good which God will reward, and Evil which God will punish. No one can vote and that is all that is to it. Each voter will make a moral or immoral choice. Even those who do not vote or cannot vote have interiorly made a choice which God will judge. Silence is a vote for immorality. St. Paul wrote that all man must confess their Faith, i.e.  make a choice for what is morally good. 

     The choice in the US election is very evident. On one side is a Catholic moral platform, the saving of babies. To which Christ said; 'whatever you do to these little ones, you do it to Me.' And with a speech the President had narrowed it down, specifically,  to Catholicity. In fact the issue on Justice Barrett is her Catholicity, too, where we hope she will overcome her wavering moral stand . 

      St. James wrote that wherever someone makes a pure good moral stand, all his platforms will surely be morally upright. Being morally right as a pro-life, the rest of President Trump's platform are for  the common good of the Americans, which is morally upright. And all who vote for this platform are accomplices to this upright moral act that deserves a reward from God on judgment day.

      The same goes to the other side who are clearly murderers of children. Their very serious immoral act is; what they are doing to these little ones, they are doing it to Christ. These abortionists are not, only, killing children. They are crucifying Christ again. Their sin is Deicide, killing a God. The stupidity of this sin is that God cannot be killed. Yet they will be condemned for the crime of killing a God. Just like Judas. Judas could not have Christ crucified. But by his action of selling Christ, he was guilty of having killed Christ. Imagine, being condemned for a crime that cannot be done and yet condemned for it. 

3. From the Catholic point of view.

    Hypothetically, if all voting Americans die after election, those who voted for President Trump will be rewarded by God, not because they voted for Trump. But because they voted for good moral actions in accordance to the commands of God.  It could be an issue about how babies are treated. It could be an issue on the indissolubility of marriage. That candidate could have been anybody.

     And those who voted for Biden and Kamala will be punished by God, not because they voted for Biden and Kamala. But because they voted for an issue which is in disobedience to God's command, a highly immoral act either theologically or philosophically. The issue could be abortion or simply for being proud, impatient or unkind.  

Friday, October 02, 2020


  1. Christ the King, the ruler of creation.

      God created nature for men to use in working for the salvation of his soul. At the same time, God placed man in this planet Earth as a place for testing;  whether man will do the Will of God or choose his own will. God never meant to make the Earth man's heaven here on earth. So man does not have to design it  as a place of pleasure, but merely a place for testing where he must pass. 

2. The test.

     The test man will undergo is identical to the test God gave the angels and our first parents, Adam and Eve. Whether to choose God's Will or man's own will. To pass the test, God's Will must be chosen because His Will is the best for man. To fail is to choose man's will because man's will is always a sin that harmful to his soul. 

3. The two Cities.

    And so from the beginning of creation the angels and mankind had been divided into two groups; those who choose God's Will which St. Augustine described as belonging to the City of God. And those who choose their own will which belong to the City of Man. 

     God views these two cities at the time of the General Judgment as the sheep on His right, and the goats on His left. Obviously, the sheep on the right is destined to go to heaven for all eternity. And the goats on the left will remain for all eternity away from God. 

     But before the General judgment, both cities will have their leaders. The City of God will be led by men and women of perfect Faith enlivened by Charity. While the City of man will be led by sinners especially by Satan and the anti-christ. The leaders will have their own lower adjutants. 

     The leaders and members of the City of God had been described by the Liturgy of the Mass, from Ash Wednesday up to the Feast of Christ the King. They are those who repented, who believed and who received the Spirit of Charity. The leaders and members of the City of man was, also, described from Ash Wednesday up to the Feast of Christ the King, as those who have not repented, who never had Faith and, therefore, will not be abided in by the Holy Spirit of Charity.

       These two were both described in the same Gospels of the Masses. For example on the 26th Sunday in Ordinary time, the son who said he will work in the vineyard but did not, represents the City of man. The other son who said he will not work in the vineyard but went and worked, represents the City of God. 

4. A strange phenomenon.

    The devil does not  want people to know that he exist. He can destroy more souls that way. So it is nearly impossible to find a decent treatise on the devil. The few available literature on the devil, precisely, deceives the reader on his nature and work. The monks in the desert used to be experts on demonology because they were meant to go to the desert and wage war with the devil knowing that every time a devil is defeated, he is sent to hell before the appointed time.

      But monks are no longer experts on demonology. They would not know the difference between a devil and a bat. The devil, also, does not want his followers to be recognised as his slaves. That is why it was impossible to know that Judas was possessed spiritually. Secrecy is the devil's mode of activity. Just like the secret societies that is why the Church forbids such societies. They are suspects. 

     But suddenly, during Vatican II, the devil and his co-horts came out in the open. They were no longer hiding. They were coming out as evils. Among the cardinals, bishops and priest, they ceased to be wolves in sheep's clothing; they were all coming out as vicious wolves. Suddenly, it was very clear who makes up the City of God and who makes up the City of man. It has become clear where I belong. 

     But, there were still many souls who are in between the two cities. Then comes the world wide Corona virus pandemic which clearly is an Act of God. Like all chastisements, the pandemic had a spiritual goal; to make all the in-between souls, either move to the extreme right towards the perfection of Faith  and the beginnings of Charity. While those in - between but tended towards the left to descend towards committing the most horrible, perverted sins. Suddenly, it can clearly be seen in what city each person belong. All that is needed is for angels to gather each group and bundle them up for their final destination. 

5. The City of man.

     The members of the City of God know who they are because of their perfect Faith and the beginnings of Charity. They have knowledge and wisdom. But their tests that leads them to perfection continues. They have no problem. So let us leave them alone. The three theological virtues they have are spiritual and supernatural. Nobody can see these. But Christ gave them visible signs; their own relatives will go against them for being good. The whole world will hate them. Their own kind will persecute them and bishops will drag them to court....all because they belong to the City of God. For no other reason. So it is difficult to see why the hatred. These signs are present in Trump thus putting him in the City of God. Pelosi and Biden do not have these signs. In fact, they are the ones hating, persecuting and dragging others to court. Showing they belong to the City of Man.

       Let us go the City of man. They have all the problems and all are unsolvable because God does not help such people but rather chastises them. Who are their leaders? How come most  men are blindly following them? We say 'blindly' because they have no Faith and Charity, thus they know nothing. They are in darkness. They are blind leading the blind, Christ described them.

       Their leaders are really the people ruling the world. The world is not led by presidents, premiers and kings. All the nations are being led by these international group from different races, different nationalities, different sexes, different economic status, different educational level and different religions. They are not even presidents, premiers, kings or queens, senators or owners of rich corporations. Like the devil, they want to remain anonymous and unknown. They function in deep secrecy, just like their 'father' Lucifer. Who are they?

 6. The lovers of money. '

      They are like the devil working in secrecy. But now they are in the open so all men can see them and choose, either to obey  God or to obey man, to love God or to love money. Their common denominator is a great inordinate love for money which is the root of all evil. Everything they do is evil.

       St. Augustine would describe them as totally incapable of loving God and their  neighbour. Thus they hate God, all their neighbour and even themselves. They are full of hatred for everything. They only love money thus taking the characteristic of what they love, money. They are pure evil. Money becomes their god and all of them are subject to money. They will do anything for money. 

       Because their free will is focused on what is perceived as the ultimate good, i.e. money, their minds have become insane, God's punishment for such persons. Their minds are not directed to its object the truth. They do not care what is true. They decide what is true and what is good. In Scriptures they are described as the 'rich in spirit,' i.e. they are rich in loving worldly or temporal things. 

         Under the dictates of the devil, they want to enslave the whole world and make mankind their slave,  caring for the whole world to make it their playground, for their enjoyment. It is impossible to understand their philosophy, their reasoning, their motives. Because they are just taking orders from the devil. 

          They have existed from the beginning of the creation of the world. But their existence as an evil force becomes more evident these days because they will be led by a human endowed with all the powers of the devil and he will be under the complete control of the prince of hell. The leaders are humans but with the mind and power of the devil. 

           These are the rulers of the world who lead the City of man. And their main and only goal is the destruction of the City of God and creating their own City,  the mystical body of Satan. 

           They are made up of the riches men in the world, owners of rich corporations, bankers, international organisations like the UN, WHO, international court, human rights organisations, Davos group, plan parenthood, bishops conferences, the Vatican, drug companies, political parties, national groups, all secret organisation, and wolves in sheeps clothing who have taken off their wolves clothing.  Almost most men are members of this group. 

           Like the devil they are liars.  They will offer everything that men like but cannot fulfil and will not fulfil their promises. Their promises is summarised in 'you shall be as gods.' Voters like to hear that without knowing that it is a lie. That was the same promise given to Adam and Eve. Did they become gods? No, they became mortal men subject to death and corruption and eternal condemnation. 

           Just like the promises of the Democrats. They cannot give what they promised. They will lie, win the votes and when they win they will enslave all their followers. Like what Satan had been doing in the whole world, deceiving all men and man never learn from it. 

7. Conclusion

     Everything is a test from God. The Corona virus, the elections, the appointment to the supreme court. 

     Will you pass the test and become a pleaser of God. Or will you be a pleaser of man who love money. 

     Today, it is not enough to pass the test believing there could be another test we can pass if we fail.  Think that it could be the last test after which there is no other and, therefore, our very salvation is at stake. To elect and to be a supreme justice has become a moral issue. 

      The good will continue to do good just because it is good. The evil just because it is evil. There is nothing that can convince both sides. It is the few undecided that is the issue. Will the good be able to convince the undecided to aim at good and avoid evil. The evil will always work to convince everyone to do evil and in fact force them to do evil. When all have made their decision, then comes the final chastisement. What? Maybe a super volcanic eruption or a Democrat victory.